Loud noises can change your hearing significantly. If you are around noises that are too loud for extended periods, you may experience hearing loss. The best way to avoid this is to make sure that you are using hearing protection. There are several examples of hearing protection that could benefit various groups of people. Here are some key examples. 

Construction workers 

The first key group that will definitely need to use hearing protection is construction workers and anyone operating near a construction site. Any sound that is louder than 90 decibels can alter your hearing and cause you to experience hearing. Virtually every piece of equipment on a construction site will pass this threshold. 

Anyone experiencing tinnitus 

You may be experiencing tinnitus; then, you will be hearing noises that are not actually there. Tinnitus can occur if you are exposed to loud noises and may get more significant over time. If you are experiencing tinnitus and have noticed the early signs, it’s worth noting that this is not usually permanent. As such, you can typically avoid experiencing further changes to your hearing by making sure that you do start to use protection for your hearing if you notice the signs of tinnitus. 

Tinnitus can be caused by a range of possibilities. For instance, a buildup of earwax could cause you to experience a type of tinnitus. This can be corrected if you get your ears cleaned out. 

Those who live in noisy environments

You may live in quite a noisy location. If that’s the case, then you should definitely think about using hearing protection. The right hearing protection will mean that you don’t have to worry about more typical noises impacting your hearing. Numerous examples could be relevant. For instance, you could live in a major city. If this is the case, you will always have to contend with the noise from traffic, heavy machinery, and even trains passing by. All of these variables can make noises that are far louder than 90 decibels. Thus, they have the potential to change your hearing over time. 


Finally, you could be working as a musician. If this is the case, then you may be performing in loud arenas. Again, the noise here could easily exceed 90 decibels. As such, if you don’t use hearing protection, then you might experience hearing loss. Musicians do tend to wear ear protection when they are on stage to ensure that this isn’t an issue. These are discreet enough that an audience does not notice them. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key groups that could benefit from wearing hearing protection. Be aware that if you are exposed to loud noises in your career, then it will be the responsibility of your employer to provide the right hearing protection. If you need more information, then you should consider speaking to a hearing specialist. 

Our specialists at Professional Hearing Aid Service are happy to walk you through your hearing protection options. Just give us a call today at (202) 688-3344.