The ability to hear is something often taken for granted, but it is one of the most powerful senses and one that is depended on for many of life’s activities. A reduction in the ability to hear can substantially impact a person’s daily life. Everyday activities such as listening to the radio and watching the television can become challenging where your hearing starts to decline.

Even minor hearing loss can make it challenging to follow conversations, especially in crowded places, and you may need to ask people to repeat themselves. As your hearing plays such a crucial role in your everyday life, it is vital to be aware of the different ways your hearing can be protected. One of the most fundamental ways to take care of your hearing is to attend regular screening checks. 

Hearing screenings are not just for people that have noticed changes in their ability to hear; hearing screenings should be scheduled as part of your routine checks. Here are some reasons why a regular hearing screening is essential:

Monitor Your Hearing

Attending regular hearing screenings will enable your audiologist to build a picture of your hearing and make it so much easier for any changes in your hearing to be detected. Spotting a pattern of changes over time will help your audiologist recommend the best treatment for you and assess when further treatment may be required. Regular hearing screening is also a useful opportunity for the audiologist to provide you with helpful advice to help prevent further hearing deterioration.

Early Detection of Hearing Loss

If you start to notice a reduction in your ability to hear, you may dismiss your concerns and ignore them until your hearing deteriorates further. Many people overlook the signs of hearing loss for years before scheduling a hearing screening. But early detection of hearing loss is really beneficial and can help you get the treatment you need before your hearing starts to impact other areas of your life.

The audiologist may notice the early stages of hearing loss during your screening. This early detection will enable you to get the treatment you need to improve your hearing ability.

Even during early hearing loss, the audiologist will be able to conduct tests to establish the extent and type of hearing loss, and the best way for this to be treated. The audiologist may recommend that you start using hearing aids to improve your hearing ability and to help prevent any further deterioration in your hearing.

Check Your Current Hearing and Treatment

Early detection of hearing loss is crucial to ensure you get the proper treatment for your level of hearing loss when it is first diagnosed. But it is equally important to continue attending hearing screenings even if you have had a hearing loss diagnosis. Your hearing can change over time, and this means that your treatment may need to be adjusted to meet your hearing needs.

So, scheduling regular hearing tests is still essential if you have hearing aids, as your hearing may change and require a different treatment. Attending regular hearing tests will enable your audiologist to continue monitoring your hearing and notice any patterns of change as they occur. This information is valuable as it can help your audiologist devise a treatment plan for your hearing that best suits your changing needs.

Part of Your Regular Health Checks

Many people associate hearing loss with the aging process and overlook the fact hearing loss can occur at any age. This leads people to wait until they detect an issue with their hearing before scheduling a hearing screening. The problem with waiting until you notice a deterioration in your ability to hear is that the hearing loss may have started many years before. 

Everyone knows that taking care of their bodies is essential to protect their health, and hearing is no exception. Just as you schedule routine checks for other aspects of your health, such as scheduling regular eye exams to check your sight, it is crucial to do the same for your hearing. 

Schedule Your Hearing Screening Today

Your hearing is precious, and protecting it is vital. To ensure that your hearing ability stays at its best and that any hearing loss you experience is detected quickly, you need to attend regular hearing screenings. 

Here at Professional Hearing Aid Service, our team of audiologists is ready to help you with your hearing needs. Contact us today at 202-785-8704 to schedule your hearing screening and learn more about our services.