There are times when your hearing aid needs renewing. Advances in technology are making hearing solutions more and more effective, more comfortable and with features more adapted to your needs, so stay tuned to find out when you are interested in catching up. Your device can easily become outdated. So, how can you decipher these issues? Well, thankfully, there are many ways.

1. Is the volume of your hearing aid excessive?

The latest generation hearing aids incorporate technologies that allow you to adapt the volume to your needs. It may be time to renew your hearing aid if you are not comfortable with adjusting the sound level. From the remote controls, which allow it to be regulated at all times without the need to touch the hearing aid, to the latest biometric sensors that can provide all the necessary information. The possibilities for modifying your hearing aid are varied. If it is making annoying sounds, squeaking or buzzing, it may mean it is becoming a little outdated! 

2. It’s too big and cumbersome for me

If technology has advanced in one thing in recent years, it has been in mechanisms and materials that allow hearing aids to go more and more unnoticed. Small hearing aids, even tiny, so much so that they are often called invisible hearing aids, blend in with your skin tone and adapt so much to the shapes of your body that they are barely seen. This can also be a good reason to renew your hearing aid. If it is cumbersome and sits outside of the ear, modern features now allow the hearing aid to sit inside the ear. This is much more convenient. 

If you want to renew it and access a state-of-the-art hearing aid, look at some of the best reasons why:

  • The size: The new models have considerably reduced the size compared to ours.
  • The autonomy: We may want to switch to a rechargeable hearing aid if batteries have become a hassle.
  • The connectivity: Increasingly, hearing aids easily connect to other devices, do we need those new features?
  • The needs: Our needs change, so adapting our hearing aids to our way of life is also a good reason to renew.

3. It doesn’t work as effectively anymore

Has the hearing aid become water damaged? If this happens regularly or happens once it gets quite wet, it could end up damaging the technical system of the hearing aid. A hearing aid can get wet from rain or sweat! You should always ensure that you keep it in a cool dry place and also clean it thoroughly and regularly. 

If this doesn’t work, you must consider a replacement. Sometimes, hearing aids just need to be replaced. They wear out, and their lifespan is only five years, often less. Therefore, if your device is outdated, it is likely going to affect its performance and then naturally, your ability to hear clearly will be impaired. Talk to a hearing health professional to get further advice on updates and upgrades.

Call Professional Hearing Aid services today at 202-785-8704 for more information on our hearing care and hearing aid services.